Saturday, September 10, 2016

Immune System and Probiotics

Have you heard the saying “it all lies in the gut?” There is truth to this as 70-80% of our entire immune system resides within the gut.
The lining of the small intestines is full of lymph nodes. When necessary, inflammation in the intestines creates a pathway for the immune system to carry out an attack against invading viruses and bacteria. However, when inflammation is present but not needed, illnesses such as allergies, flu and chronic infections can occur. Probiotics offer a beneficial defense against the effects caused by this unwarranted inflammation. 
Probiotics also keep the gut healthy, to ensure the immune system functions well. Epithelial tissues in the intestines form a barrier against pathogenic microbes and other harmful substances present. Epithelial intestinal tissue is dependent upon gut flora. If gut flora is not sufficient then the epithelial lining does not regenerate. For epithelial homeostasis, probiotics foster intestinal epithelial cell survival, strengthen cell barrier function, and initiate protective responses from intestinal epithelial cells. 
Probiotics can also modulate the immune system, enhancing the body’s innate immunity. This modulating effect helps alleviate excessive inflammation in the gut, thereby boosting immune function.

Probiotics can boost the body’s immune function and assist the body in warding off infections. 

Some recent studies support a significant role of probiotics for humans and animals as a barrier against microbial infection. In one study1, probiotics were beneficial in offering complete protection for mice from a viral infection pathogen. The probiotics lengthened the survival rates from the pneumonia virus of mice that were infected. A randomized, parallel, double-blind, placebo-controlled study2 showed that consumption of certain probiotics for a 12-week period could reduce the risk of acquiring common cold infections in healthy individuals. The occurrence of catching one or more common colds, the length of days with common cold symptoms, and the symptoms from the cold were all reduced. 
A recent New Zealand study conducted with professional rugby players showed probiotics enhanced the player’s ability to ward off and fight colds. This study involved 30 rugby union players who received either a probiotic supplement (3 billion CFUs/day), or placebo, for four weeks. During this period, 80% of the placebo group experienced a single episode of the common cold or stomach upset, 53% of those in the probiotic group encountered such illness. In the placebo group, the duration of illness was 5.8 days; duration among probiotic subjects was 3.4 days. The authors of this study suggested: “These positive effects of probiotic supplements 3
provide evidence for the beneficial effects of daily supplementation with these probiotic strains in highly trained rugby union players.”

Our B17 "live" Probiotic is produced from over 70 natural and organic ingredients such as:

lactic acid bacterium (introduced as starter)
seaweedKombu, Fucus, brown algae, Hibamata from Norway
mushroomsShiitake, Maitake, Agaricus brazei murill
vegetablesKale, Cabbage, Broccoli, Komatsuna, Mugwort, young leaves of Barley
medicinal herbsNihon-yama-ninjin or Japanese ginseng
grains and cerealssoya bean, unpolished rice
cultivated and wild fruitsapples, oranges, berries, lemon, persimon, guomi, akebi, Chinese matrimony

The above ingredients are allowed to ferment naturally for a period of 3 years. Due to the way that LB17 "live" probiotic is exposed to extremes in temperature (summer and winter) during the fermentation process, the bacteria in LB17 are potent, resilient and are able to stay alive for up to 3 years at room temperature without the need for refrigeration. The bacterium is live and viable and does not need to be revived unlike most other probiotics particularly those that are"freeze dried"!

Prior to encapsulation with a vegetable gel cap, Perilla oil (high in Omega 3 EFA) is added to provide the Omega essential fatty acids. LB17 does not contain any preservatives, additives, colouring, or artificial flavouring 

LB17 "live" probiotic is suitable for vegans as well as the "raw foods practitioner". It is very useful to the lactose intolerant and milk protein (caesin) sensitive individuals as it breaks down dairy products and nutrients consumed so that they can be better absorbed by the body.

The benefits of using LB17 "live" probiotic include, but are not limited to, the following:
  • treat and control fungal infections, including eradicating Candida, through the antifungal effects of LAB especially the LAB strains in LB17
  • bring the balance of friendly flora in the digestive system back to at least 80% good bacteria
  • assist in the digestion of food consumed and its subsequent absorption
  • boost the immune system of the body
  • in bringing the digestive functions back to good order, help to ease the stress on and cleanse the organs associated with digestion such as the liver, kidneys, pancreas, spleen, etc
  • support the treatment of crohns and colitis 
  • study shows live probiotics protects intstinal cells from effects of infection by interoinvasive Escherichia coil (EIEC)
  • improve oxygen intake to the red cell plateletes and thus improve the stamina and endurance of athletes from studies conducted by researches at Okayama University, Japan
  • convert botancial lignans (SDG) in the bowel to mammalian lignans (ED and EL) to enable the body to absorb these powerul and amazingly beneficial substances. Lignans have been recognised and acknowledged by the medical fraternity as effective in treating and preventing cancers such as breast, bowel, colon and prostate
  • in conjunction with Osumex Rice Bran Oils (RBO), significantly boost the healing powers of the skin. This is vital to individuals who are afflicted with Diabetes (Type-2) where healing properties of the skin have been impaired so that loss of limbs arising from serious infections may be avoided
  • help treat psoriasis, a condition which is being recognised to be caused by a poor or inadequate immune system
  • help treat asthma and mothers who use probiotics during pregnancy may ensure that the new born child do not develop asthmatic symptoms
  • pevent colds and nasal congestions through elimination of excessive bad and harmful bacteria in the nasal passages
  • ease and relief heart-burn, acid reflux and most other digestive disorders such as excessive intestinal gas
Lactic Bacteria produces specific natural antibiotics that inhibits and eliminate pathogenic bacterium. For example, Lactobacillus acidophilus produces acidophiline, L. bulgaricus produces bulgarican, other lactobacilli produce lactocidine, lactobacilline, hydrogen peroxide, bacterial peptides, lactic streptococci produce nisin and streptococcins. These are all anti-septic to pathogenic bacterium.

It has also been shown that lactic bacteria, in particular Streptococcus faecium, colonize the intestinal mucosa preventing its attachment by other harmful microbes. This protects the integrity of the digestive system eliminating the onset of many digestive disorders.

Different lactic bacteria provides different specific benefits and this is the primary reason to use a probiotic that contains as many different strains of lactic bacteria to ensure all the essential beneficial effects are secured for a truely healthy digestive system. A summary of these beneficial effects associated with the different strains of the lactic bacteria are listed below:

  • Lactobacillus acidophilus
    L. acidophilus populates the small intestines. It enables preconjugation of bile acids to assist in better digestion of food and nutrients consumed which leads to production of lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide, and other byproducts that make the environment hostile for undesired organisms. L. acidophilus also produces Vitamin B12, lactase, the enzyme that breaks down milk sugar (lactose) into simple sugars. People who are lactose intolerant do not produce this enzyme. Other benefits include reduction of blood pressure and anti-tumour. L. acidophilus is the colonizer, the inhabitant that constitutes the first line of defense against alien invaders, as well as opportunistic organisms like yeasts (Candida albicans)
  • Lactobactillus amylovorus
    L. amylovorus produces strong L-lactic acid slowly. The L-lactic acid helps to reduce cholesterol and has an anti-cancer effect. L. amylovorus products the enzyme amylase that helps to break down starch and cereals.
  • Lactobacillus casei
    L. casei also produces L-lactic acid that helps increase salt tolerance. It is useful as acid-producing starter cultures for milk fermentation, and as specialty cultures for the intensification and acceleration of flavor development in certain bacterial-ripened cheese varieties. It is not only an inhibiting activator in tumor cells but it also has a beneficial stimulating activity in normal cells. L. casei is very beneficial to lactose intolerant individuals in their consumption of diary products. L. casei was reported in Microbiology & Immunology to have the most potent protective activity against the potentially lethal Listeria bacteria than any other \ beneficial bacteria 
  • Lactobacillus plantarum (2 strains)
    L. plantarum improves mucosal and liver status. It also improves the immunological status of mucosa and reduces mucosal inflammation and an excellent alternative to antibiotics. L. plantarum also decreases abdominal bloating in patients with IBS and can also decrease fibrinogen concentrations in the blood.
  • Lactobacillus fermentum
    L. fermentum is a well-characterized probiotic strains with efficacy in the prevention and treatment of urogenital infections in women. It also produces hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and inhibited the growth of intestinal and urogenital pathogens.
  • Lactobacillus brevis
    L. brevis is frequently used as starter culture in silage fermentation, sourdough and lactic-acid-fermented types of beer. Ingestion of L. brevis has been found to improve human immune function, increase intestinal microflora and decreases intestinal permeability. 
  • Lactobacillus buchneri
    L. buchneri has been demonstrated to improve aerobic stability of silages by reducing the growth of yeasts and therefore help to prevent spoilage from moulds. L. buchneri has also been shown in studies to produce high levels of acetic acid.
  • Lactobacillus acetotolerans
  • Lactobacillus bulgaricus
    L. bulgaricus is extremely proteolytic, i.e., it is able to split proteins for easy digestion and absorption. it is especially "famous" for alleviating digestive problems (including acid reflux) and taming a runaway appetite, everyone can benefit greatly from it. L. bulgaricus is recommended for overall support of the friendly bacteria, enhanced digestibility of milk products and other proteins, production of natural antibiotic substances, inhibition of undesirable organisms, maximum effectiveness of waste disposal, colon cleaning without disrupting friendly bacteria, and effective immune enhancement.
  • Bifidobacterium longum
    B. longum has the unique property of metabolizing or degrading nitrates by an intracellular enzymatic activity. In journal Cancer Research it had been reported that dietary intake of B. longum significantly inhibits the development and growth of colon, liver and breast cancers in laboratory animal models. Certain strains in animal studies had been documented as possessing the ability to counteract cancer-causing compounds in the colon.
  • Bifidobacterium bifidum
    B. bifidum has been cited in the medical journal Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology that their presence in the intestine of infants is an indication of health. It also has the ability to protect the body against the devastation of rotavirus diarrhea and that it modifies the gut flora and is a supportive therapy for intestinal infections and intestinal disturbances. B. bifidum has immune strengthening properties as reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition especially in relation to colon health and its suppressive effect on tumors. It reports that B. bifidum is well tolerated without side effects, reducing the inflammatory response of the colon and stimulating the body's fluid immunity.  Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin reported information confirming the anti-ulcer effects of B. bifidum when administered orally. 
  • Pediococcus bacterium
    The Pediococcus bacterium are not yet fully understood and commonly confused as harmful pathogens. However, recent studies and researches now confirm their beneficial properties in a number of the strains particularly of those used in LB17. They produce bacteriocin (anti-bacterial material) and increase salt tolerance. Studies have found that they might be useful for control of enteric pathogens.
  • Streptoccous thermophilus
    S. thermophilus is used, along with Lactobacillus spp., as a starter culture for the manufacture of several important fermented dairy foods, including yogurt and Mozzarella cheese. Its role as a probiotic is useful in alleviating symptoms of lactose intolerance and other gastrointestinal disorders. it is also good for promoting health in general and for longevity. The bacteria also appear to reduce the amount of nitrite (cancer causing chemical) in the body.
  • Lactococcus lactis (formerly known as Streptococcus lactis)
    L. lactis is one of the most important micro-organisms involved in the dairy industry. It is a non-pathogenic bacterium that is critical for manufacturing dairy products like buttermilk, yogurt and cheese. The cytokine interleukin-10 (IL-10) has shown promise in clinical trials for treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The research with mouse showed that the therapeutic dose of IL-10 can be reduced by localized delivery of a bacterium to secrete the cytokine. Intragastric administration of IL-10-secreting Lactococcus lactis caused a 50% reduction in colitis in mice treated with dextran sulfate sodium and prevented the onset of colitis in IL-10/ mice. This approach may lead to better methods for cost-effective and long-term management of IBD in humans. 

Comparison of Different Forms of Probiotics




Morphological changes due to external conditions

Only some cells are actively multiplying due to external changes in conditions

Subject to osmotic pressure changes

Uncertain shelf life

Viable population unstable

Survival uncertain

Temperature sensitive to small changes

Storage required refrigeration and large space

Precentage of population revived in human body is uncertain

Efficacy depends on the number of bacteria revived in the body


Tablet or powder form

Method changes cell structure completely due to very low pressure used in the technique

Cells are completely inactive and in a state of hibernation

No effect

Long shelf life



Sensitive to large temperature changes

Special storage   conditions required

Percentage of population revived in the human body is uncertain 

Efficacy depends on the form and number of bacteria revived in the body




No change - retains original form of cells

All cells are active and in original physical or biological condition

No effect

Five years



Sensitive to large temperature changes

Can tolerate room temperature and occupies less space

Perceentage of population revived in the human body is very certain and asured

Efficacy is certain and assured based on the definite population present in capsule - 100% alive in the body

What probiotic you pick matters and our LB17 is high quality effect that will help your immune system today!

  1. Gabryszewski SJ, Bachar O, Dyer KD, et al. (2011) Lactobacillus-mediated priming of the respiratory mucosa protects against lethal pneumovirus infection. J Immunol;186:1151–1161. [NIH] 
  2. Berggren A, Lazou Ahren I, Larsson N, Onning G. Randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled study using new probiotic Lactobacilli for strengthening the body immune defense against viral infections. Eur J Nutr. 2011;50:203–210. [EJN] 
  3. Brylee A. Haywood, Katherine E. Black, Dane Baker, James McGarvey, et al. (2014) “Probiotic supplementation reduces the duration and incidence of infections but not severity in elite rugby union players.” Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport Vol. 17, Issue 4, Pages 356-360. [JSAMS]