Monday, July 22, 2013

Flax Lignans for Breast Health

Studies have shown that lignans, the phytoestrogens found in plants, can help with the prevention of and fight against breast cancer. Lignans are found in foods like seeds, nuts, berries, grains and fruits, with flax seed hulls having the highest lignan concentration.

Phytoestrogens are chemicals found in plants that mimic the hormone estrogen. High exposure to estrogen over a lifetime has been linked to a higher risk of breast cancer. So how do lignans, a phytoestrogen, help to minimize breast cancer risk?

The secoisolariciresinol glucoside (SDG) lignan in flax seeds act as nature's selective estrogen receptor modulators, effectively managing estrogen in the body.

Flaxseed and its lignans protect cell chromosomes from damage and undesirable mutation, leading to cancer. Lignans have been shown to increase the production of hormone binding globulin. This is produced in the liver and binds estrogen, reducing the amount of free estrogen circulating in the body that will potentially enter tissue. This action helps to reduce the effect of excess estrogen on tissue growth. It is this displacement of estrogen that can help to prevent certain cancers, such as breast cancer, that depend on estrogen to start and develop.

It is believed that the SAD diet – the Standard (North) American Diet, is lacking whole foods, including high lignan producing foods such as garlic, carrots, broccoli, asparagus, and dried apricots and prunes, and that it is for this reason that women cannot modulate estrogen naturally, as they used to.

Lignans rely on essential gut bacteria to transform secoisolariciresinol glucoside or SDG in flax hulls to mammalian lignans. It is key that your diet be rich in probiotic foods in order to obtain the best results from flax lignans. Keep your intestinal tract well populated using the Osumex LB17 product, available in capsules and paste. LB17 contains seventeen strains of friendly, live bacteria. It is vegan and non-GMO. The paste is pleasant tasting, shelf-stable and easily administered to children and seniors alike.

Learn more about our flax hull lignans and live probiotic by visiting our website.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Broccoli Sprouts for Cancer Prevention and Gastric Wellness

Broccoli sprouts are 3-4 day old sprouts of the broccoli plant. They can be described as mild flavoured with a bit of a peppery radish taste. These sprouts contain powerful antioxidants that help to fight against disease.
The benefits of broccoli sprouts have been known since the 1970s. It wasn’t until Johns Hopkins University studied their benefits in the 1990s that more people took notice. The cancer-fighting phytochemical in broccoli called glucoraphanin, a precursor to sulforaphane was found. Their research determined that broccoli sprouts promoted much more cancer protection and antioxidant power than broccoli itself.

The Johns Hopkins study was followed by the discovery that glucoraphanin is in higher concentrations in 3-4 day old broccoli sprouts as it is in the concentration of full grown broccoli by roughly 20 times.
The way to obtain the value of broccoli sprouts is by chewing them. It is when they are chewed that the broccoli releases glucoraphanin and myrosinase, an enzyme found in another part of the plant cell, which work together to produce sulforaphane. Sulforaphane has the ability to trigger cells in the body to jump into action to fight disease, and the potential for disease. Sulforaphane can be understood as the General, working to put soliders that are your cells, into combat. In doing so, enzymes are made that offer protection against free radicals, DNA-damaging chemicals, and inflammation.

The overall impact is significant. Broccoli sprouts have been lauded as highly effective anti-cancer compounds. They are believed to have the ability to prevent several cancers, including breast and prostate cancer. The gastric condition known as h. pylori is a spiral-shaped bacterium that resides in the stomachs of humans and animals. It can irritate stomach lining and/or the duodenum. In many cases this then leads to ulcers or other gastric complications. Broccoli sprouts aid in fighting this damage by elevating the body's protective enzymes.
Broccoli sprouts can also help with respiratory ailments like asthma. By eating broccoli sprouts, the body takes on greater levels of antioxidant enzymes. These enzymes keep the airways free of tissue damage.

Osumex’s blend of broccoli sprouts with the lignans found in flax hulls are organic, non-GMO and are harvested after three days. They must be chewed in order to obtain maximum benefits.
Learn more about Osumex’s Fortified Flax Hulls with broccoli sprouts on our website.


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Flax Hull Lignans for Chronic Conditions such as Diabetes and Heart Disease

If you’re looking for some help balancing blood sugar levels, it may be time to add flax hulls to your diet. Flax hulls have been shown to improve blood sugar levels in diabetics. A daily intake can maintain normal levels over time.

Flax is one of the best plant sources of lignans, which are antioxidants that decrease the activity of cell-damaging free radicals, help to slow the aging process, and improve wellness. Flaxseeds provide up to 600 times more lignans than other plant foods, such as legumes.

Flax seed fibre may be able to delay glucose absorption that occurs after eating. It is believed that lignans may also have a role in this. SDG, the lignan in flax seeds, may have the ability to prevent the gene expression of glucose synthesis.

A study done in China looked at SDG in relation to glycemic control and lipid levels. Small, but quite significant improvements were shown in glycemic control. Given their overall benefits, flax lignans are considered a helpful food supplement in dealing with Type II Diabetes.

The condition of heart disease is improved with the consumption of flax hull lignans as well. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in flax help to lower blood pressure and normalize heartbeat. Cholesterol is also impacted by flax lignan consumption. LDL, considered ‘bad cholesterol’, is lowered with continued use.

Lignans from flax have been found to help reduce heart disease and stroke by reducing the build-up of fats in the arteries, lowering cholesterol levels, and preventing inflammation. This is important as it works to prevent the condition known as atherosclerosis, a common form of arteriosclerosis in which fatty substances form a deposit of plaque on the inner lining of arterial walls.

For most efficient absorption of the lignans, the Osumex flax hulls are best taken with the Osumex LB17 live probiotic.

Our flax products do not contain any seed materials or flax oil. They are specially milled and are very stable at room temperature. If properly stores, they will not turn rancid for up to 2 years.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

What is a Lignan?? Understanding the Immune-Boosting Power of Flax Hulls

Lignans are phytonutrients that are believed to be capable of fighting tumor growth, lowering cholesterol, lowering sugar levels in people with diabetes and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. They are also known for boosting immunity and supporting immune system function. Flax is the richest source of lignans in the plant world, containing up to 800 times more than any other plant.

The major lignan in flax seed is called secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG). Probiotic bacteria convert the SDG lignans (plant lignans) into the mammallian lignans enterodiol and enterolactone. These mammalian lignans help strengthen the immune system, and may help to naturally lower estrogen levels.

Flax seed hulls also contain large amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids, which we are lacking in the typical North American diet. Omega-3s impact mental and physical health, improving cholesterol by lowering triglycerides, affecting joint health by reducing tenderness, easing inflammation and providing necessary fat to our brains, skin and bodies.

Flax lignans are especially high in antioxidants. Antioxidants help to prevent the development of chronic illness such as heart disease and cancer by counteracting oxidative stress. The antioxidant value of a food is measured by its ORAC value and flax lignan’s value is 19,600 per 100 grams. Compare that to kale’s ORAC value of 1,770! They are powerful free radical scavengers and help stop excessive free radical activity which deplete the body's immune system.

The important benefits of this food supplement are quickly becoming known. The Mayo Clinic, the American Cancer Society, and the FDA all acknowledge the cancer-fighting power of flax lignans.

While you can get some lignans from grinding flax seeds yourself, you’d need to consume gallons of whole flax to reap the benefits of concentrated flax hull lignans. The vast majority of flax lignans reside in the shell, or hulls, of the flax seed. The Osumex natural organic flax hull lignans product is made of hulls only and contains no flax oil. Our flax hulls are also nutritious fibres containing both soluble and insoluble fibres, benefiting digestion and Vitamin B12 in the form of Cobalamin, positively impacting energy levels.

Visit our website to learn more about this immune-boosting product. Osumex ships worldwide. Contact us about having our organic grade flax hull lignans delivered straight to your door.

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Friday, June 21, 2013

Do You Have Adrenal Fatigue?

What is adrenal fatigue? Adrenal fatigue is a collection of signs and symptoms, known as a syndrome, that results when the adrenal glands function below the necessary level. Its paramount symptom is fatigue that is not relieved by sleep.
Adrenal glands look like hats that sit upon our kidneys. The adrenals allow us to adapt to changes in the environment. They are chiefly responsible for regulating the stress response through the synthesis of corticosteroids and catecholamine, including cortisol and adrenaline. But when our adrenal glands can not meet the demands of stress, adrenal fatigue results. Stress has us in what is known as the 'fight or flight' state. When in this state the adrenocortical hormone is released into the blood stream. The fluctuation of adrenal hormones results in exhausted adrenal glands, causing fatigue, insomnia, irritability, depression, PMS and symptoms related to menopause.
The mind-body connection is very evident with the adrenals. Certain emotions, such as anxiety, fear and anger, affect the production of adrenal hormones. Times of personal stress, such as moving, separation and loss greatly influence our stress levels.
Adrenal fatigue can seriously disrupt your well-being. In some cases, the activity of the adrenal glands is so diminished that it may be difficult to be out of bed for more than a few hours per day. As adrenal function reduces, our organs are profoundly affected. We experience changes in our macronutrient metabolism, fluid and electrolyte balance and cardiovascular system. Changes at the biochemical and cellular levels occur to compensate for the decrease in adrenal hormones that comes with adrenal fatigue.
There is a way to test your adrenals simply and privately at home. The Osumex Adrenal Function Urine Test allows you to check adrenal stress and fatigue using a non-invasive method. This test measures the salt content of a urine sample quickly and accurately utilizing a simple titration procedure.
It is important to know if you have adrenal fatigue so that you can best deal with it, in a way that suits you. By testing yourself at home you are able to determine if your adrenals are in need of some support.
Visit our website to learn more about the Osumex Adrenal Function Urine Test.our website to learn more about the Osumex Adrenal Function Urine Test.

Monday, June 10, 2013

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Good Guys in the Gut

Probiotics are back in the news. The Alberta Children’s Hospital has researchers investigating whether probiotics would help with the numerous cases of stomach flu seen in children every year.

The most basic and best definition of a probiotic is ‘live microorganisms that may confer a health benefit on the host.’ What sort of benefit can you expect from a probiotic? Improved immunity for one thing. It has been estimated that roughtly 70% of our immunity comes from our gut. Keeping this in mind, we must ask what the state of our gut is. Good gut health requires the encouragement of good microflora that will survive, flourish and colonize. Yes, there is beneficial microorganisms in some foods. Often you’ll hear about the probiotics in some popular yogurt brands. Unfortunately, you’d need to eat many fridges full of yogurt to get the amount of microflora that you do from a probiotic supplement.

Probiotic supplementation provides benefits aside from immunity. You may notice that you’re having easier and more complete bowel movements, and better digestion overall. You may experience a decrease in symptoms related to yeast infections such as Candida albicans. Probiotics set up shop in your body and colonize, so that more good flora follows.

Have you ever travelled for a vacation and come back with a cold or flu? Increasing the amount of your probiotic supplementation before, during and after travel may help to keep the common cold or flu away. Travelling with your probiotic could be problematic if you’re using one that must be refrigerated.

Many probiotic supplements are sold in the cooler sections of health food stores. This is to keep the live cells contained in the supplement as they should be – live. Osumex has created a probiotic supplement that does not need to refrigerated. It is live and contains 17 probiotic strains of live bacteria.  It is called LB17 for this reason. (live bacteria, 17 strains)
This probiotic supplement is available in capsules. It is also available in a paste that is called the LB17 Live Probiotic Biomass. Both aid in digestion and absorption of vitamins and minerals. They are particularly helpful for the condition of IBS – Irritable Bowel Syndrome, along with Colitis and Crohn’s Disease. This product aids in soothing gut inflammation while stimulating and improving digestion, as they contain digestive enzymes.
A probiotic paste is a unique supplement. The texture and taste is somewhat similar to that of a date. Consider the paste as an alternative for someone that may have difficulty swallowing capsules. Our bodies produce less saliva as we age, making it challenging for some seniors to swallow pills. Young children may put up a fight when you try to administer a capsule. This paste is a simple and effective way to provide a dose of wellness without the battles. A full level teaspoon (spoon provided with purchase) can be taken once daily after each meal.

The LB17 paste also makes a wonderful topical remedy for sores and wounds such as canker sores, diabetic sores  or ulcers. When applied directly it is soothing to the skin and speeds healing time.

To learn more about the specific strains or other details about this supplement please drop us an email or visit our website. We’d be happy to share more information about this super healing product.

Monday, June 3, 2013

For the Good of Your Liver

When it comes to overall wellness your liver may be your most important organ. How much time do you spend thinking about your liver? What do you do to support its proper functioning?

The liver is responsible for over 500 functions, including many that are vital to life. It is one of the largest and heaviest organs in the body. The liver’s main functions include processing nutrients from food, making bile, removing toxins from the body and building proteins.

When we eat, macronutrients from our food go to the liver for processing and storage. They are then made into what the body needs and carried through the bloodstream to where they are utilized. Aside from the foods we eat, everything we breathe and absorb is also processed through the liver.

New statistics recently released by the Canadian Cancer Society indicate that liver cancer has been increasing annually since 1970 by 3.6 per cent for men and 1.7 per cent for women, the society's figures show. (link) Although other cancers are on the decline, liver cancer continues to plague Canadians increasingly.

Our health is impacted by the world around us. Environmental factors such as air pollution, water quality and pesticides in food affect liver functioning. Building materials, furnishings and carpeting lend toxins to the air we breathe every day. Skin care products and perfumes commonly contain dangerous chemicals, and house cleaning and laundry products contribute toxins to our homes and environment in significant ways.

Our liver copes with every toxic chemical we encounter. As well, stress, greasy foods and alcohol also interfere with its processes. A normal, healthy liver processes toxins without any trouble. A damaged or weak liver has difficulty processing these toxins out. As they accumulate, problems begin to occur. A weak liver may weaken the kidneys and contribute to digestive problems.

A good way to check liver functioning is by using a liver test kit. The Osumex 10P Urine Analysis Kit is non-invasive and checks for the presence of bilirubin, blood, glucose, ketone (acetoacetic acid), leukocyte, nitrite, pH, protein, specific gravity and urobilinogen in urine. The test is capable of detecting glucose in the urine and can serve as an early warning sign of Type 2 Diabetes. Please note that after using this test, it is important to follow-up with your health care professional to confirm results.

By arming yourself with the test results and taking steps to prevent disease, you have the power to impact your health for the better. The 10P test kit is a very good preventative tool that allows you some insight into the functioning of your liver.

Here are some things to keep in mind when considering liver health.

• Consider the importance of hydration, antioxidants and bitters in the support of optimal liver functioning. A healthy whole food diet supports a healthy liver (and digestion too!)
• Water is important for the flushing of toxins from the body.
• Antioxidants fight against free radicals and aid in the prevention of cellular damage. They help the liver carry out its cleansing process.
• Bitter foods such as such as radicchio, arugula, endive and dandelion encourage the detoxification function of the liver.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Value of Essential Fatty Acids - Osumex 100% Pure Antarctic Krill Oil

Worried that consuming fat will make you fat? Our bodies require good, healthy fat for optimal brain and nervous system functioning and circulation.

Essential fatty acids, EFAs, are those that the body cannot create, and so they must be consumed. Foods rich in Omega-3 include fish, such as salmon and halibut, nuts such as walnuts, flax and chia seeds, and pasteur-raised meats.

The Omega-3 fatty acids in most plants are alpha-linolenic acids, ALAs. ALAs have short chains of carbon. Humans and animals convert them into two long-chain forms that are usable by their bodies. These are eicosapentaenoic acids (EPAs) and docosahexaenoic acids (DHAs).

The Standard North American diet is high in Omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-6 is polyunsaturated fat (or PUFA) which is essential to the body, as is Omega-3. While these are integral to human health for skin and hair growth, reproduction and bone health, they are commonly consumed from vegetable oil, often used in cooking. Vegetable oils such as soybean, safflower, sunflower, corn and cottonseed oil are used in many of the foods that we eat regularly. The imbalanced ratio of high Omega-6 to low Omega-3 fats in these oils significantly contributes to inflammation in the body.

It is the ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 that is important, more so than avoiding Omega-6 fats entirely. When we are in excess of Omega-6 versus Omega-3 fatty acids, we put our health at risk. Eating foods rich in Omega-3, such as fish and flax, helps to achieve the right balance.

The challenge is that many people do not have time to cook for themselves and their families each day. Ingredients such as fish and pasteur-raised meats may not be available to you for reasons of location or expense. Supplementation is often recommended to improve our levels of Essential Fatty Acids. It is a convenient, affordable way to consume the Omega-3 your body requires.

Osumex has developed the ultimate in Omega-3 supplementation. Our 100% Pure Antarctic Krill Oil is more bioavailable than fish oil. A significant portion of the long-chain Omega-3 in krill oil is in phospholipid form. Fish oils are almost exclusively Omega-3 triglyceride fatty acids. Because phospholipid Omega-3s are water dispersible, our bodies can better absorb them and thereby optimize the Omega-3 fatty acids contained.

Our Antarctic Krill Oil also contains the powerful antioxidant Astaxanthin, recognized for its free radical fighting capabilities.  Because it has been proven to cross the blood-brain barrier, Astaxanthin is beneficial for the eyes as well as brain and nervous system functioning. Astaxanthin has anti-inflammatory properties, further aiding in circulation throughout the body. This is important to note for anyone concerned about blood circulation to both the hands and feet and/or to the brain.
Antarctic Krill lives in the coldest and most pristine waters on earth. Unlike some fish oils, additives are not needed to maintain krill oil’s integrity or lengthen its shelf life. This product is all-natural. We source our krill from the Antarctic Ocean, exercising eco-friendly and sustainable practices. No more than 10% is harvested at any time.

Osumex Antarctic Krill Oil is encapsulated in vegetable soft gels. Our customers report to us that it does not produce the repeating effect of some other EFA oils, and that it has helped them with inflammation they have experienced throughout the body.

We’re here to answer any questions you may have about our Antarctic Krill Oil capsules, or any of our other products. Call, email or visit us to discuss the benefits of supplementing with Osumex Krill Oil.

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Oakville, Ontario
L6K 3A8